Here is a list of vanilla advancements that can be used in MCreator as a parent for a custom advancement or be triggered by either vanilla JSON triggers or using procedures.
Advancements list
- adventure/root
- adventure/voluntary_exile
- adventure/kill_a_mob
- adventure/trade
- adventure/honey_block_slide
- adventure/ol_betsy
- adventure/sleep_in_bed
- adventure/hero_of_the_village
- adventure/throw_trident
- adventure/shoot_arrow
- adventure/kill_all_mobs
- adventure/totem_of_undying
- adventure/summon_iron_golem
- adventure/two_birds_one_arrow
- adventure/whos_the_pillager_now
- adventure/arbalistic
- adventure/adventuring_time
- adventure/very_very_frightening
- adventure/sniper_duel
- adventure/bullseye (1.16)
- end/root
- end/kill_dragon
- end/dragon_egg
- end/enter_end_gateway
- end/respawn_dragon
- end/dragon_breath
- end/find_end_city
- end/elytra
- end/levitate
- husbandry/root
- husbandry/safely_harvest_honey
- husbandry/breed_an_animal
- husbandry/tame_an_animal
- husbandry/fishy_business
- husbandry/silk_touch_nest
- husbandry/plant_seed
- husbandry/breed_all_animals
- husbandry/complete_catalogue
- husbandry/tactical_fishing
- husbandry/balanced_diet
- husbandry/break_diamond_hoe (1.15.2 and before)
- husbandry/obtain_netherite_hoe (1.16 and after)
- nether/root
- nether/fast_travel
- nether/find_fortress
- nether/return_to_sender
- nether/obtain_blaze_rod
- nether/get_wither_skull
- nether/uneasy_alliance
- nether/brew_potion
- nether/summon_wither
- nether/all_potions
- nether/create_beacon
- nether/all_effects
- nether/create_full_beacon
- nether/find_bastion (1.16)
- nether/obtain_ancient_debris (1.16)
- nether/obtain_crying_obsidian (1.16)
- nether/distract_piglin (1.16)
- nether/ride_strider (1.16)
- nether/loot_bastion (1.16)
- nether/use_lodestone (1.16)
- nether/netherite_armor (1.16)
- nether/charge_respawn_anchor (1.16)
- nether/explore_nether (1.16)
- story/root
- story/mine_stone
- story/upgrade_tools
- story/smelt_iron
- story/obtain_armor
- story/lava_bucket
- story/iron_tools
- story/deflect_arrow
- story/form_obsidian
- story/mine_diamond
- story/enter_the_nether
- story/shiny_gear
- story/enchant_item
- story/cure_zombie_villager
- story/follow_ender_eye
- story/enter_the_end
Achievements list
Before advancements (before 1.12.x), Minecraft used achievements system instead. Below you can find a Minecraft achievement list that can be used for legacy reasons.
- openInventory
- mineWood
- buildWorkBench
- buildPickaxe
- buildFurnace
- acquireIron
- buildHoe
- makeBread
- bakeCake
- buildBetterPickaxe
- cookFish
- onARail
- buildSword
- killEnemy
- killCow
- flyPig
- snipeSkeleton
- diamonds
- portal
- ghast
- blazeRod
- potion
- theEnd
- theEnd2
- enchantments
- overkill
- bookcase