Here is a list of vanilla biomes that can be used in MCreator for conditions and spawning locations for Minecraft 1.14.4 and 1.12.2.
- ocean
- plains
- desert
- mountains (extreme_hills in 1.12.2)
- forest
- taiga
- swampland
- river
- nether (hell in 1.12.2)
- the_end (sky in 1.12.2)
- frozen_ocean
- frozen_river
- snowy_tundra (ice_flats in 1.12.2)
- snowy_mountains (ice_mountains in 1.12.2)
- mushroom_fields (mushroom_island in 1.12.2)
- mushroom_field_shore (mushroom_island_shore in 1.12.2)
- beaches
- desert_hills
- forest_hills
- taiga_hills
- smaller_extreme_hills
- jungle
- jungle_hills
- jungle_edge
- deep_ocean
- stone_beach
- cold_beach
- birch_forest
- birch_forest_hills
- roofed_forest
- taiga_cold
- taiga_cold_hills
- redwood_taiga
- redwood_taiga_hills
- extreme_hills_with_trees in 1.12.2)
- savanna
- savanna_rock
- badlands (mesa in 1.12.2)
- wooded_badlands_plateau
- badlands_rock (mesa_rock in 1.12.2)
- badlands_clear_rock (mesa_clear_rock in 1.12.2)
- warm_ocean
- lukewarm_ocean
- cold_ocean
- deep_warm_ocean
- deep_lukewarn_ocean
- deep_cold_ocean
- deep_frozen_ocean
- mutated_plains
- mutated_desert
- mutated_extreme_hills
- mutated_forest
- mutated_taiga
- mutated_swampland
- mutated_ice_flats
- mutated_jungle
- mutated_jungle_edge
- mutated_birch_forest
- mutated_birch_forest_hills
- mutated_roofed_forest
- mutated_taiga_cold
- mutated_redwood_taiga
- mutated_redwood_taiga_hills
- mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees
- mutated_savanna
- mutated_savanna_rock
- mutated_mesa
- mutated_mesa_rock
- mutated_mesa_clear_rock
- bamboo_jungle
- bamboo_jungle_hills
- small_end_islands
- end_midlands
- end_highlands
- end_barrens
- void