This wiki page is here for legacy reasons only. Older versions of MCreator used to have this feature or the feature does not need extended documentation anymore. Nevertheless, we kept the page for users of older versions.
This page contains the list of most commonly used Minecraft Forge Ore Dictionary Names. It is separated in default Minecraft ore dictionary entries list and other common entries lists.
Minecraft ore dictionary names
- logWood
- plankWood
- slabWood
- stairWood
- fenceWood
- fenceGateWood
- doorWood
- stickWood
- treeSapling
- treeLeaves
- vine
- oreGold
- oreIron
- oreLapis
- oreDiamond
- oreRedstone
- oreEmerald
- oreQuartz
- oreCoal
- ingotIron
- ingotGold
- ingotBrick
- ingotBrickNether
- nuggetGold
- nuggetIron
- gemDiamond
- gemEmerald
- gemQuartz
- gemPrismarine
- dustPrismarine
- dustRedstone
- dustGlowstone
- gemLapis
- blockGold
- blockIron
- blockLapis
- blockDiamond
- blockRedstone
- blockEmerald
- blockQuartz
- blockCoal
- cropWheat
- cropPotato
- cropCarrot
- cropNetherWart
- sugarcane
- blockCactus
- dye
- paper
- slimeball
- enderpearl
- bone
- gunpowder
- string
- netherStar
- leather
- feather
- egg
- record
- dirt
- grass
- stone
- cobblestone
- gravel
- sand
- sandstone
- netherrack
- obsidian
- glowstone
- endstone
- torch
- workbench
- blockSlime
- blockPrismarine
- blockPrismarineBrick
- blockPrismarineDark
- stoneGranite
- stoneGranitePolished
- stoneDiorite
- stoneDioritePolished
- stoneAndesite
- stoneAndesitePolished
- blockGlassColorless
- blockGlass
- paneGlassColorless
- paneGlass
- chest
- chestWood
- chestEnder
- chestTrapped
- dyeBlack
- blockGlassBlack
- paneGlassBlack
- dyeRed
- blockGlassRed
- paneGlassRed
- dyeGreen
- blockGlassGreen
- paneGlassGreen
- dyeBrown
- blockGlassBrown
- paneGlassBrown
- dyeBlue
- blockGlassBlue
- paneGlassBlue
- dyePurple
- blockGlassPurple
- paneGlassPurple
- dyeCyan
- blockGlassCyan
- paneGlassCyan
- dyeLightGray
- blockGlassLightGray
- paneGlassLightGray
- dyeGray
- blockGlassGray
- paneGlassGray
- dyePink
- blockGlassPink
- paneGlassPink
- dyeLime
- blockGlassLime
- paneGlassLime
- dyeYellow
- blockGlassYellow
- paneGlassYellow
- dyeLightBlue
- blockGlassLightBlue
- paneGlassLightBlue
- dyeMagenta
- blockGlassMagenta
- paneGlassMagenta
- dyeOrange
- blockGlassOrange
- paneGlassOrange
- dyeWhite
- blockGlassWhite
- paneGlassWhite
Commonly used names in mods
- gemRuby
- gemSapphire
- dustAluminium
- dustAsh
- dustBauxite
- dustBronze
- dustCalcite
- dustClay
- dustCharcoal
- dustChrome
- dustCopper
- dustElectrum
- dustSapphire
- dustGreenSapphire
- dustLazurite
- dustLead
- dustPyrite
- dustRuby
- dustSaltpeter
- dustSapphire
- dustSilver
- dustSodalite
- dustSulfur
- dustTin
- dustTitanium
- dustUranium
- ingotAluminium
- ingotBrass
- ingotBronze
- ingotCopper
- ingotChrome
- ingotIridium
- ingotRefinedIron
- ingotLead
- ingotSilver
- ingotSteel
- ingotTin
- ingotTitanium
- ingotUranium