What are Potions
Potions give to the player a custom effect limited in the time like the speed, poison, or instant like the instant damage or instant health. There are two parts to making a custom potion. The potion effect is one mod element that controls the effect of the potion. The other one is a potion item which adds a potion item to the game.
Potion Effect Element
Potion Effect Settings
Setting Name | Description |
Potion effect display name | This name will display when the player has the effect. |
Potion effect icon | This is the icon that is shown when the player has the effect. |
Is this potion effect instantly applied? | When this is checked the potion will be applied instantly. |
Is this potion effect bad for the player? | When this is checked the lore text will look like a bad potion. |
Is this potion effect good for the player? | When this is checked the lore text will look like a good potion. |
Render active potion effect status in inventory: | This will display the potion time, icon, and name of the effect. |
Render active potion effect status in HUD: | This will render the potion icon on the players screen. |
Potion effect color: | This controls the particle and potion item color. |
Potion Effect Triggers
Trigger Name | Description |
When effect started/applied | When the effect is applied this trigger will run. |
When effect expires | When the effect finishes, this trigger will run. |
Active tick condition | This condition controls when then active tick procedure should run. |
On effect active tick | This will run every tick the effect is applied to the entity unless stated not to with the condition. |
Potion Item Element
Potion Names
Setting Name | Description |
Name of the potion bottle | This is the name given to the regular potion bottle. |
Name of the splash potion | This is the name given to the splash potion bottle. |
Name of the lingering potion | This is the name given to the lingering potion bottle. |
Name of the arrow | This is the name given to the potion arrow. |
Effect Entry Settings
Setting Name | Description |
Effect: | This will apply the effect when the potion is used. |
Duration: | This is how long the potion will last in ticks (20 ticks per second). |
Amplifier: | This controls the toxicity of the potion (health I, heath II) 0 is level 1. |
Show particles? | If this box is checked then particles will show when the entity uses the potion. |
Ambient? | This defines the effect as ambient. |
Minecraft Wiki - Brewing
Minecraft Wiki - Potions
Minecraft Wiki - Splash Potions
Minecraft Wiki - Lingering Potions
Minecraft Wiki - Tipped Arrows
Minecraft Wiki - Status Effects