MCreator 1.9.1 - The big feature update

Published by Klemen on
MCreator 1.9.1 - The big feature update

There we are, we broke the record for the MCreator update with the largest changelog once again. MCreator 1.9.1 is here. And it is packed with new features. Check it out!

Before we dive into the specific features that were added, I would like to highlight some of the things that can be done in 1.9.1 and were not possible before:

  • Flying and water mobs
  • Mobs that can be controlled - this includes custom cars, boats, ...
  • Custom stairs, fences, walls
  • Any logic involving any supported Minecraft command or commands combination
  • Vanilla item cooldown timers
  • Better mob model animations
  • Mods compatible with other mods via ore and biome dictionary system
  • Crafting GUIs without buttons with crafting after the item is taken from the result slot
  • GUI buttons and key bindings that work on servers
  • Mods with GUIs, variables and key bindings that work on servers
  • Changing modid of the workspace after its creation

MCR format support dropped

MCreator 1.9.1 only supports shareable ZIP workspace file format and workspace folders. If you have any MCR based workspaces, make sure to import them in MCreator 1.9.0 to convert them to a new workspace format so 1.9.1 will be able to open them.

Flying and water mobs

One of the important additions is greatly improved flying and water mobs. As you can see in the video below, mobs can now actually fly by themselves based on their AI controls.

New flying mobs

Block bases (TX blocks)

MCreator can finally make stairs. 1.9.1 adds support for block bases (formerly known as TX block mod element) back! Make custom walls, fences and stairs using them. More block bases will be added with the updates too.

New block bases

New image editor

MCreator 1.9.1 will finally add the improved image editor we have been promising for a while now ;) We have listened to your feedback and added some new tools that have been requested in it. Now it supports layers too. The texture from template maker tool has been merged with this new image editor too, so there is now one unified image editor that supports editing all the textures in the mod, including GUI and armor textures.

New image editor in MCreator

New procedure blocks

Many new grat procedure blocks were added. Two of them are improved execute command block and execute the command in the name of the provided entity command block. Both blocks execute commands without spamming the chat and execute the command with the permission levels like command block so any commands that work with command blocks can be used in MCreator too. This opens doors to many new options for procedure mechanics.

New command procedure blocks

Another new procedure block is an item cooldown procedure block that will disable item right-click use actions for the given amount of the ticks. The cooldown will be shown as a progress bar over the item in the hotbar too. The system currently does not support cooling down left click actions.

Cool down item procedure block

Yet another important procedure block we added is "cancel event that triggered a global trigger" procedure block. This one can only be used by procedures triggered by the global trigger. One example of usage of such block is shown below, where we can see how we can make the bonemeal only work when it is not raining.

Cancel trigger procedure block

Mob model animations

Another addition are improved mob animations. Now instead of selecting on which part to apply a given set of animations, animations can be set for any part. User can choose existing animations plus 25 new animations ranging from body part animations to fixed/constant movements.

Minecraft mob animation editor

Ore and biome dictionary support

One of the more requested features in 1.9.1 is definitely the ore and biome dictionary support. With this feature, you can make mods compatible with other mods and work with recipes of other mods. Ore dictionary compare procedure was added too to even further expand the possibilities of the ore dictionary system.

Minecraft Forge Ore Dictionary support

Controllable rideable mobs

1.9.1 adds an option to enable controls for your mobs/living entities. One can enable forwards and strafe control. One can make ridable mobs like horses with this and even custom vehicles.

Controllable ridable mobs

New GUI slot event triggers

New GUI slot event triggers were added. One can now detect when the item was taken from the slot. This enables the world of true crafting systems where the action happens when the user takes the item from the result slot instead of having the need for a button that executes the crafting action.

Custom GUI slot events

Global variables synchronization

In previous versions, there were issues where variables did not have the same value on the server and client-side, which resulted in strange bugs with many systems, more notably with overlays. This will be fixed in MCreator 1.9.1, where the global variables will automatically be synced between the server and client worlds. See the example of this on the video below. Variables will now work on multiplayer worlds too.

Global variables server client synchronization

Working GUI and key binding procedures

Another important feature of 1.9.1 is that GUI related and key binding procedure triggers will now properly work on multiplayer worlds. MCreator now uses Minecraft Forge packet communication system that allows us to propagate the events between clients and the server in a proper way. This feature will add proper multiplayer support for GUIs in MCreator.

Another fix related to this is that ranged items now properly world on multiplayer worlds.

Important bug fixes

Many bugs were fixed in this update. All the bug fixes are listed in the list below, but more notable bug fixes are

  • [Bugfix #51905] Armor was not properly rendered on custom mobs with biped or zombie model
  • [Bugfix #50841] MCreator copied itemstack reference to a new instance which caused NBT variables to not work with items
  • [Bugfix #50904] Ranged items do not work on a dedicated server
  • [Bugfix #50994] On macOS, inline procedure editor did not work and froze when opened
  • [Bugfix #50977] MCreator could corrupt user preferences file and fail to launch on next run
  • [Bugfix #51824] MCreator could get stuck on Loading MCreator windows
  • [Bugfix] Workspaces with >~4000 mod elements failed to build

Other improvements

As with many recent updates, the article would be too long if we described all the changes and bug fixes in-depth, so you can see the full list in the full changelog of this release here:

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 8u222
  • Multiple workspaces can now be open at the same time
  • Merged both texture makers in a new image editor tools with many new functions
  • Improved some of the UI icons to better fit with the overall design of the interface
  • Added support to cancel the cause that triggers global procedure triggers in procedures
  • Dropped support for importing MCR workspace files
  • Added workspace setting to lock mod base files from being regenerated (overwritten by MCreator)
  • Added new Custom element mod element type which generates code wrapper for custom-coded mod elements
  • Added support for zooming in GUI and overlay editor
  • Added some new and improved some of the procedure templates
  • Renamed mob mod element to a living entity
  • Added option to disable "What's Next?" page when making a new workspace
  • Mod element in-game names are auto-filled based on the mod element name now
  • Added new GUI input and output slot procedure triggers: when slot changed, item taken from slot and item stack transferred
  • Added support to edit already imported Java model animations
  • Java mob model animations can now be defined for all mob model parts
  • Added over 25 new mob model part animation types
  • Added option to select a custom overlay base texture that is scaled over the whole screen when the overlay is shown
  • Multiple items can now be added at once on the lists of blocks, biomes, and dimensions
  • Improved dimension generators, end dimension type now supports biome layers and spawns islands
  • Added procedure block to change block data type to itemstack type
  • Added raytrace the block position the entity is looking at procedure block
  • Added option to select block base (normal block, stairs, wall or fence), similar to TX blocks
  • Added option to enable and set melee damage on items and ranged items
  • Added new global procedure triggers: left-clicked on block, right-clicked with item, right-clicked on entity
  • Optimized code generator system, greatly reduced build times
  • [#51428] Added support to enable mob riding controls
  • [#47818] Global map and world variables are now automatically synced across all Minecraft clients and the server
  • [#40999] Made biome entity spawn list editable
  • [#40999] Block, dimension and biome lists are now editable, not just clearable
  • [#40999] Custom GUI components and inventories can now have their properties edited
  • [#49461] Workspace modid can now be changed after the workspace was made
  • [#45498] Added true custom flying mobs support
  • [#45498] Improved custom water type mob support
  • [#52192] Added missing entities to the list of entities, including entity base classes
  • [#42517] Added option to register custom blocks and items to the ore dictionary
  • [#42517] Added option to use ore dictionary entries in custom recipes
  • [#50752] Client-side triggers were transformed to server-side using packets (key bindings, GUIs, ... now work on servers)
  • [#50792] Added option to disable dimension portals
  • [#51848] Added option to control what happens if the player goes to sleep in a custom dimension
  • [#47733] Added option to enable overworld like skylight in custom dimensions with daynight cycle
  • [#47600] Added support for custom dimension ambiental music
  • [#52727] All commands now work on any world and no longer require entity dependency
  • [#50761] Added player XP management procedure blocks
  • [#51201] Custom biomes can now be registered in biome dictionary
  • [#52801] Added check entity command permission level procedure block
  • [#49736] Added option to make custom blocks and plants replaceable with other blocks
  • [#51476] Added option to make custom blocks and plants flammable
  • [#51195] Custom blocks and plants can now have map color defined
  • [#51828] Added option to override default creative pick item for plants and blocks
  • [#47379] Added option to enable enchanted glow on tools, food and ranged items
  • [#50569] Added shears as a custom tool type
  • [#51900] Block face shape type descriptor can now be selected
  • [#52937] Added check block material procedure block
  • [#52935] Added apply item cooldown procedure block
  • [Bugfix #51905] Armor was not properly rendered on custom mobs with biped or zombie model
  • [Bugfix #51118] Replaceable block types are now properly ignored when detecting ground for structure generation
  • [Bugfix #51565] If Hoe tool type was selected, tool parameters grayed out and were not editable
  • [Bugfix #50841] MCreator copied itemstack reference to a new instance which caused NBT variables to not work with items
  • [Bugfix #50970] Custom entity hitbox size was not saving and kept reverting to defaults
  • [Bugfix #50904] Ranged items do not work on a dedicated server
  • [Bugfix #50994] On macOS, inline procedure editor did not work and froze when opened
  • [Bugfix #50977] MCreator could corrupt user preferences file and fail to launch on next run
  • [Bugfix #51357] Print text procedure block causes build errors
  • [Bugfix #51317] Gradle console could get stuck on some Linux distributions
  • [Bugfix #51431] Get block NBT tag procedures with local variables in them cause build errors
  • [Bugfix #51323] Typing E in a focused text field in custom GUI closed the GUI
  • [Bugfix #51824] MCreator could get stuck on Loading MCreator windows
  • [Bugfix] Workspaces with >~4000 mod elements failed to build
  • [Bugfix] GLOBAL_WORLD variable type was not stored per dimension but per save
  • [Bugfix] Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements

PATCH UPDATE 23. 9. 2019, 18:45 CEST

There were some bugs found in MCreator 1.9.1 so we decided to release a patch update. If you are having one of the following bugs and downloaded MCreator before the time of the patch, consider reinstalling version 1.9.1:

  • [Bugfix #53239] Mods did not contain any mod elements if they were located in a path or had a name containing any special character or whitespace
  • [Bugfix] Custom blocks and items had logWood selected for ore dictionary by default
  • Added ore dictionary to plants
  • Added option to disable harvest level specification for blocks

To apply the patch (fix these bugs), uninstall MCreator 1.9.1, download it again and install it again. After reinstalling it, make sure to regenerate code in all the workspaces you already opened with MCreator 1.9.1 by clicking Build & run -> Regenerate code and build.

PATCH UPDATE 30. 9. 2019, 15:45 CEST

There were some minor bugs found in MCreator 1.9.1 so we decided to release a patch update. If you are having one of the following bugs or want to have the features added in this path and downloaded MCreator before the time of the patch, consider reinstalling version 1.9.1:

  • [Bugfix #53401] Mod dependencies did not work
  • [Bugfix #53439] Existing buttons in GUI editor could not be resized
  • [Bugfix #53287] MCreator could get extremely laggy with large console tab contents
  • [Bugfix] Duplicate mod element button did not work for some mod element types
  • Improved mob spawning in custom dimensions
  • Added template manager to preferences
  • Instead of default UI background images, custom images and mod screenshots can be used

To apply the patch (fix these bugs and get the listed features), download MCreator 1.9.1 again and install it over the current installation.

Leave a comment below and tell us what is your favorite new feature of MCreator 1.9.1. Stay tuned!

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where are the custom slabs??? if we're gonna have stairs, fences, and walls we need slabs.

Oh man, this update is just PERFECT. Especially for the controllable entity and the Item Cooldown.

This is the best birthday present ever, thanks (I know its just coincidence but damn)

Awesome update! MCreator is such a great tool, and I'm glad it's getting such important updates. Can't thank you enough for listening to the community and establishing a good list of priorities!

BTW, back to mod making after a loooong break and surprised by the amount of updates.

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